Our congregation
We are a medium sized church in the center of Jakobstad. Our building is located on Choraeusgatan 9. We meet every other Sunday at 11 AM. For more information, see Facebook or Instagram. We are a church that is very open to international people! We have many different nationalities represented when we meet and our services are interpreted to English. 

You are welcome to join us!

Regular program in English:

Every other Sunday at 11.00: Service (interpreted to english)

We are a church very open to international people! We have many different nationalities represented when we meet and our services are interpreted to English.

You are welcome to join us!

Contact information:
Choraeusgatan 9, 68600 Jakobstad
Tel: 050-5913 201



George Yamoah - chairman

Håkan Sarén - building questions, cashier

Peter Vidjeskog

Bobby Omoregie



FI68 5567 0720 0000 86 

Tieth: ref 1009

Gifts: ref 2008

Offering:  ref 3007

Project:  ref 4006

Mobile Pay 50268


Februari 2025


Gudstjänst / Worship Service

Gudstjänst med söndagsskola för barn. George Yamoah predikar. Efteråt serveras förfriskningar i caféet. // Worship service with Sunday school for children. George Yamoah is preaching. There will be refreshments in the café after service.
Kyrkan / Church